Tender & Cost Analysis

Estimates, budgets, and estimated metric calculations:

B.Cube, on the basis of its own database, with market research and with the continuous monitoring of the most important building interventions in Italy, is able to define the economic aspect of the most complex projects, going so far as to determine the component figures of any type of business plan. In the development of the design phases (preliminary, final, executive) the initial estimates are gradually refined from parametric values determined by analysis to analytical metric calculations.

Specifications, technical specifications and procurement documents:

In relation to the category of intervention to be carried out (new construction, renovation, restoration) and the type of client (public, private) B.Cube prepares the tender documents such as Contract, Special Specifications, Technical Specifications, working closely with Designers, Specialists and Clients, adapting to even the most particular needs and intervening with their own experience, in order to Ensure relevance between Project and Implementation.

Tender assistance:

In close cooperation with the Client, according to the Client’s standards, or completely independently according to its own procedures, B.Cube is able to identify lists of qualified suppliers for any type of contract and/or supply.
B.Cube assembles and homogenizes the Procurement documentation, calls for tenders, prepares the comparison tabulations of the bids received, meets with suppliers and contractors, and assists the Client during the negotiation, up to the conclusion of the Contract.


Tender service for enterprises:

B.Cube, having in-house professionals from enterprise, has developed a sector to support construction companies in participating in tenders whether they are public or private through technical-qualitative and economic analysis, analysis of documentation, control of metric calculations, price analysis, economic evaluation of workings thanks to an established supplier archive, study of improvement proposals, critical analysis of the contract and specifications, project planning and work program development, study of the construction site, identification of alternative construction technologies that are faster and/or less expensive.
Completing the service are work accounting and measurement activities, production of variance reports, and procurement activities.
Cost process analysis is performed by conducting market research at the time of formulation or by drawing on its own database, which has been created over time by acquiring data on contracts that have been carried out and catalogued according to their technical characteristics and by amount values.